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CheshireCaine CheshireCaine 5 July 2017

Why I need to watch the show

When the casting for Cormoran first came out, I saw the name Tom Burke and kinda responded along the lines of "That name sounds familiar. Cool," because I wouldn't have reason to be disappointed by the casting after I eventually got around to reading the books.

Then I read the books. Two weeks ago? About two weeks ago. Then I ran out of material, so I got really eager to watch the show.

Note: I have become spectacularly dreadful at watching shows in the past few years. Miraculously, I managed like a season and a half of Rick and Morty before being hit by my own procrastination bug. I considered that a success. So it doesn't surprise me that I haven't watched the CM series yet.

. . . Cue five minutes ago. When I googled the show—because, I wanted…

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